Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Honey Dijon Rosemary!!

Typically on Mondays we sit down and have a nice family meal together.  The weekend is over, football is on the back burner for one day.  Monday's are a good day in my house.  We started a trend last year in eating fish on Mondays.  Like I've mentioned, we go grocery shopping on Sundays - so buying fish on Sunday and eating it on Monday was the only option for me.  I would never leave fish in the refrigerator for more then a me crazy, but that's how I roll.

We both agreed that the catch of the day would be Salmon.  I love Salmon.  I love it grilled, pan fried, broiled, and most of all - I LOVE it raw!!  Coach has tried the Sushi, he isn't a huge fan...but he will humor me and take me on a Sushi date every once and awhile.  To be fair, he gets elaborate rolls and I get sashimi...which I believe is the only way to eat raw fish.  Coach calls sashimi bait!

The bowl is dirty because I made 2 portions of sauce
1 for the fish to cook in and 1 to pour over when it's
done cooking!!
Salmon is an easy fish to prepare and cook.  You don't have to have much talent and you don't have to worry too much about it once you throw it in the oven.  Salmon cooks quickly and you can put just about any sauce on it and it will complement the fish well.  I have really been enjoying the sauce that I am going to share with you.  It is super easy to prepare and you can use it on chicken, pork chops, and even pasta if you are daring enough!

Honey Dijon Rosemary Salmon

What you need:

Dijon mustard
Olive Oil
Apple Cider vinegar
Rosemary (fresh or dried)

Here's what you do:

This recipe is kind of a throw it in the bowl, mix, and use recipe.  I don't worry too much about the amounts that I use...I just taste test once I am done mixing!

First drizzle about a tablespoon of olive oil into a bolw.  Next, add about a 1/2 cup of dijon mustard.  Using a whisk combine the oil and mustard until it is well mixed.  Next, add 2 (get this...) cap fulls of apple cider vinegar.  The vinegar loosens up your sauce and the tartness of it adds a delish taste!  When the vinegar is well combined, add about a tablespoon to the bowl.  Mix well and taste test.  At this point you might decide to add either more mustard or more honey.  I like it a bit sweet, so I typically use 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey. Add a dash of salt and pepper to taste. The last step is to add your rosemary.  This summer I planted rosemary, so I'm lucky enough to use the fresh stuff.  Didn't plant this spring?  No worries...I've made it 1,000 times with dry rosemary and it's just as delish.  You wan't about 1/2 a tablespoon of rosemary.

Naled salmon!
Here's what she looks like all mixed up!  Notice the honey in the mason jar in the back ground.  I'm proud to say this honey came from my Uncle Brian's hives from the Hill in Hiram!  It's really good stuff and I'm down to my last half a mason jar...booo!

Like I said, you can put this sauce on anything!  But tonight, we chose salmon.  To cook the Salmon, I chose to throw it in a foil bag and put it in the oven.  To use this technique simply preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Next get a baking sheet and cover with a large piece of foil.  Put your salmon portions on the baking sheet and cover in sauce.

Once the salmon is good and covered, I like to cook it in a lot of sauce, but that's just me!  Add another layer of foil over the salmon and fold it over to make a pouch.  The last thing I do is make sure there is a little pitch or point in the center of the pouch to keep the air circulating while it is cooking.

If you use this process to cook the salmon it will take anywhere from 25 to 35 minutes!  It is so moist and flavorful when it comes of the oven!  Which reminds me!  When you open the pouch, be careful of the hot steam that will come out and bit you if you are not paying attention!!

Headed into the oven! Next stop...dinning room table!
I forgot to take a picture once it was done cooking! Sorry folks!  But, I can tell you it was very good and there wasn't a bite left on anyones plate.  I served this with brown rice - which I cooked in the mini rice maker that my friend Steven gave me last year and asparagus...which was on sale at the grocery store on Sunday!  All around, this was a great Monday night meal!

Well, it's already Wednesday and this week has been a whirlwind.  I had multiple meetings after school last night and Coach had practice and also wanted to stay at school to watch the middle school football teams game.  We didn't get off campus until 6:30pm!  We decided that Tuesday would be our one night of the month that we got to eat out!  The babes asked for pizza but ate a butter packet, a few peas, chocolate milk, and a small container of blue cheese dressing!  This makes it understandable as to why she was up all night with a tummy ache! Booo to no sleep but, she was up and running around this morning like nothing happened!

Headed on the Road Show this week to the big city of Bangor to take on the Crusaders...stay tuned for game updates and other fun stuff I have planned!

Thanks for checking in and checking me out!

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