Sunday, August 26, 2012

Exhibition...Friday Night Lights!!

Under the Lights....Everything is All Right!

I have to say, even though I am only in the stands for games - I often feel like I am right out there with the kids or on the side lines with the coaches.  I assume the reason for this is because we talk a lot of shop at home and I feel as passionate about what happens on the field as Coach does.  So, when Friday's roll around, it is not uncommon for me to get butterflies in my tummy and be nervous until kick off.

Coach and his assistant coaches will tell you that I am up and down behind the bench, following the ball, more then they are.  I also fill up the water bottles, clean up the bench, and pass out fruit at half time and when a player comes off the field.  I guess that is all because of nervous energy.

I treated myself to a pedi on Thursday...I guess I have spirit toes!  Kirsten, a former student and budding nail tech, did a wonderful job!  She had never had any requests for football laces on a big toe before!! Yes Kate, I am OOC!!

It was a perfect night for a football game!  The field was lined, the lights were on, let's play some ball!! The Raiders came out strong and were able to 'take it to the house' pretty quickly.  The babes really enjoyed her view from the sidelines...

There was a very large crowd for our team...considering it was an exhibition game!  The first half, our first team was really able to dominate.  The Eagles (of Ellsworth) are a first year varsity program.  They have had a team for 3 years.  Actually, this is a lot like our team...we've been a team for 6 years and this is our 2nd varsity season.  I particularly enjoyed the second half when the second team or the 2's got to get out there and play some live action football!  We live in an area that is really new to football.  Basketball has been the number 1 sport for years.  So, some of these kids have never tried it before.  It's great to see them come off the field with big smiles on their faces!

At the end of the night the score board read Raiders 28 - Eagles 13!  A good win and a good time.  The babes was wide awake the whole time.  It was well past her bed time by the time Coach helped us to the car...luckily she passed out on the way home!

Next stop...ROAD SHOW vs. the Golden Bucks!

Thanks for stopping by and checking me out!  Sunday is our first Coaches meeting of the season, I will be posting a really great crock pot recipe!

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