Toddler with a Tiara |
One day on a Wednesday, I was determined to make a move and see about going out on a date. If I had waited for him to a make a move, I would still be there....waiting! So, I waited until Friday which was the start of the long Columbus day weekend. I approached him and said, "We have Monday off, would you like to go to a movie on Sunday?" He sort of took a step back and looked at me. I thought to myself, 'well, that was a bad idea.' Finally he spoke: "Yeah, but it depends on when the Patriots are playing on Sunday." UMMMMM....I was dumbfounded. You will go on a date with me, but you have to watch a football game first or after? Hmmmm.... I just looked at him and said, "OK, well I am available at 2pm so let me know." Then I just ran away and headed for my car. I had left out a very important step...we didn't exchange numbers! Well, the weekend ticked away and I worked a couple shifts at the restaurant and wondered if this date would ever materialize. Low and behold on Sunday, my phone rang and it was a number I didn't recognize. "Hello, Mathy? This is Coach. The Pats played at noon so do you want to go to the movies tonight?" I was over joyed and accepted the invitation. Turns out he got my number from his brothers girlfriend - who also worked with us! Too cute!! So, we went to the movies and from there started hanging out more and more and eventually, became an item. That summer, we moved in together, 2 years later we were married and a year after that the sweet babes!
You know early on in a relationship when you are asking all of those awkward questions like, "Do you want to get married some day, see kids in your future...etc?" Well, we had that conversation. I asked Coach if he saw any of that in his future and he said yes. I took it a step further and asked, "What happens if we have a baby and I go into labor during a Friday night football game?" Coach looked at me and said, "Well, it's a good thing that your mother doesn't live too far away. She could be in the room and then I'll take over after the game!" He claims to have been joking and I am sure he was...but there is a little truth in every joke! Actually when we had the babes, he was there the whole time and actually missed the first 2 days of football preseason. When we got home from the hospital, the next morning he was back on the field and that weekend - we were on the side lines cheering him on!
Just the other day I told him that I had set the date with the priest to have the babes baptized. The date is later in October. He said, "Ok, thats fine, but just keep in mind that I could be preparing for a playoff game." Really? Geez...I mean, I hope that he is, but come on. All kidding aside, Coach does a great job taking care of his family and being here for us when we need him. However, sometimes football is like another woman! You have to make sure things get scheduled around her or Coach won't be there. Sometimes, even if he is there...he isn't...always thinking about those x's and o's. It's a good thing the season is only 10 weeks and it's a good thing I love him as much as I do!! we are on the road against the Golden Bucks. Headed out in a little bit to spend some time on the lake before the game. Looking forward to seeing family and friends at our first regular season game...GO RAIDERS! Come back tomorrow and find out how we did!!